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Dutch textile producer CAG BV invests in new factory setup in Izmir, Turkey.
The first 25 workplaces are in place and production started in Izmir for our client CAG BV. CAG BV is the most important manufacturer of ladies’ jersey in the private label segment and designs, produces and delivers to all fashion retailers in The Netherlands and a number of European retailers.
By offering wide range of outsourcing services NXT TRADE incubated and effectuated a local production unit in Turkey and coordinates all exports from Turkey to European based customers. In addition a showroom has been put into operation in order to show-case product samples and to receive and introduce the products to international clients.
CAG BV is a perfect example of how NXT TRADE unburdens its client by taking care of all administrative, personnel, logistics and financial matters whereas the client can concentrates itself on their core business: designing and producing stylish and high quality ladies’ garments.